Prior learning assessment is designed to allow you to earn credit toward a degree based on knowledge you’ve acquired through work, training or classes. Check out various options:
Transfer Credit
- Official transcripts from high school and colleges you attended can be evaluated for the potential of transfer into your Pace University program. Check out Pace University’s Prior Learning and Competency Assessment
Challenge Exams (Credit by Examination)
- You may be able to obtain college credit by passing a “challenge examination”.
Standardized National Exams
- The College Board has developed exams that are part of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES (for military training). Learn more.
Military Training
- Obtain college credit for certain successfully completed military training programs. Check out our Support for Veterans page.
- Through an instructor-led course (either face to face or online) an adult student can develop a portfolio that demonstrates past learning experiences and outcomes. The student portfolio is then evaluated by faculty members and recommendations are made about the amount and content area of credit to be awarded. Learn more from Council for Adult Experiential Learning (CAEL).
Prior Learning Assessment Resources from CAEL
CAEL is a leading expert in prior learning assessment and created the Standards for Assessing Learning as a guide for education institutions to implement and evaluate prior learning assessment strategies to support adult students reach their educational goals. Check out CAEL’s additional resources:
- Predict Your College Credit: Predict your college credit with the Credit Predictor
- Your Learning Counts: Why take – and pay for – classes in subjects you have already mastered? Check out
- Articles and Publications: Check out Prior Learning Assessment publications